
Life's Marathons

Written by Melissa

Last year, on November 9, I woke up and put a beautiful dress on Ariana. It was handmade by a dear friend. She was simply angelic. I managed to get myself dressed and Asa in something decent, too. My family - both immediate and extended - headed to the entrustment ceremony I had planned for Ari. This was a first for us all - something we never heard of before - but then it was the first of many firsts in our lives. It was a precious and painful day.

I don't know that I would have described it this way last year, but it was very much like an emotional marathon. I had been preparing myself for weeks for this day, the day I would entrust another to be Ariana's mother. I was preparing myself for the unknown - and it was most frightening. I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I would make it through the day or the days to follow. But Heather was there - that day and the days to follow. Most importantly, she was there for Ariana - and I knew she would be an amazing mother to Ari. I never had a single doubt about that and that was of such great comfort. What I didn't know, but came to learn so quickly, was that Heather was there for me, too. She was so supportive of me and my feelings. When I cried, she cried with me. When I laughed, she laughed with me. When I needed to see Ari, she welcomed me with open arms and an open heart. I have never known another woman like her. I am so proud that she is my daughter's mother - and that she is my friend - that she is my teammate - that she is my family!

This year, on November 9, I woke up and put my family - both immediate and extended - in the car to head to the Chickamauga Battlefield in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. It was Heather's marathon to support this time. Her first! Obviously, hers was the real deal of 26.2 miles - a long, hard, cold 26.2 miles. I was glad to be there for her. I wanted to show my support - my appreciation - my love. I felt so proud to watch her cross the finish line. And she did it so fast!

I'm not sure what marathons life has left for us. I'm sure we're both hoping for the ones that come with some work, but NOT so much pain! Nevertheless, there isn't anything Heather and I can't do with each other by our side. So, here's to the next first... may we kick it's butt, too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You made both Jim and I cry with that one! There is no one I could be more proud to share my motherhood with, and for such an amazing little girl! You and our team and family are a continuous blessing to us.