
Pregnant woman's grocery store run = $50

Ahhh - yes, a pregnant woman knows how to grocery shop! Not necessarily for a family - or even for a hungry husband... just for her own personal satisfaction. Let's see, we covered the basic food catetgories, right? Can we say CARBS?!!! How much bread does one need? - 2 loaves, bagels, pita bread, hamburger buns, galore! Then, there's the SALT category - in regular and cheese flavors. DAIRY gets checked off with milk and snickers ice cream bars. And SUGAR (that's a food category in my book) - with powdered donuts and hershey's syrup... no, that is not a pregnant woman's craving - they aren't meant to go together, but they did get eaten in the same night! CapriSuns added some flavored WATER - much needed for the baby, of course. And finally, you might ask - how the heck did I spend $50? Well, I wouldn't be a very responsible pregnant woman if I didn't take my prenatal vitamins... so that was half the total bill. I mean, the doctor does say I'm getting all the baby needs in my daily vitamin dosage - so the rest of my diet is free game, right? My husband says, "Making a pregnant woman [fat and] happy = priceless!"


"There's no such thing as an animal ambulance."

Well, maybe there should be... Frogs to Dogs thinks so. Check out this horrible story that aired on Good Morning America of a young couple in Texas that was speeding to the emergency vet clinic because their tea-cup poodle was choking. They were pulled over by a law enforcement officer, rightfully so, but were given absolutely no leeway once the officer found out why they were speeding. I can only imagine how I would have handled this cop!

While Frogs to Dogs has been fighting for opportunity to run an emergency pet transportation business in the state of Georgia (long story that includes political warfare and the notion that animals lives just aren't as 'important' as human lives), we'll continue moving forward with our plans of providing the service soon, even if on a scaled down version of the orginal plans. Hopefully, no one has to suffer like the Texas couple, but if enough stories out there like that are shared on national TV, the need for emergency pet transportation will become more real!


It was a hoax... SHOCKER!

For those of you who don't know, Drew got WAY into the whole Big Foot find over the course of the last week. In fact, we went to several parties over the weekend and that was his preferred topic of conversation. He was a true believer. One of the folks subjected to his rantings sent this article to me today. Too bad - big foot was hallow! Maybe if baby Zbeeb decides to wait it a week to join us, Daddy Zbeeb will know what he'll be wearing this Halloween to welcome him in the world. How scary would that be!!!


Cake Time!

With shower season approaching - for my bundle of joy and several others that are currently waddling around like me - I thought it only appropriate to discuss a shower favorite for everyone - the cake. Through another friend's blog, I stumbled upon some wrecked cakes! All I can say is WOW - please don't let something so right (delicious cake) go so wrong (stupid decor)! Click here for more cake wrecks.


Thanks Max!

We received our first baby gift off our registry yesterday. That's not to say this baby hasn't received other gifts - "Nana" Claudia has been insanely generous, and "Ya-Ya" Mary, "Big Nana" Flo, and Aunt Barbara have all shown that this boy will not go wanting! However, yesterday was very special - I came home and there was a box at the door that said 'BabiesRUs' and I knew it was a gift from our registry. I took the box inside and showed Andrew - both of us got that giddy feeling from our wedding when we'd come home to mystery boxes at the door. It's so exciting! We opened the box and our dear friend, Maxine Robinson, had given us one of Andrew's favorite items - the REMOTE CONTROLLED mobile! Drew particularly likes the aquarium theme (shocker), but we both love the idea of turning the mobile on and off without entering the room and disturbing the baby. This gift was highly recommended by new mom, Heather. Thanks Max for the mobile (and quite possibly, the gift of sleep!).


Andrew's Birthday... AGAIN!

I'm definitely rubbing off on Drew - he celebrated his birthday for weeks this year (like I like to!). First we went to Boston and spent some b-day time with his family, then we went to B.B. and Willie and hollared happy b-day all night long, and finally this past Friday we went to Mom's house for burgers and cake with my family. For the man that historically isn't interested in birthday parties at all, I'd say he enjoyed every celebration!!! For pics of the dinner, click here.