
4 Month Check Up

Asa is technically 4-months-old today (although he will be 18 weeks on Thursday!) and to celebrate, we went to the doctor. Yea! Asa is now 14 lbs 5 oz and 25 1/2 in. We are told he is in the 25 percentile for his weight and 50 percentile for height (although I don't think his height was taken correctly - I watched as the nurse struggled to get him completely elongated). Of course, his head circumference was also taken and our boy is in the 75 percentile for that... not surprising coming from his Mom and Dad! This child will be hard pressed to ever wear a baseball or football helmet, but with hard heads like Mom and Dad, he may not even need one. Ha! Still, I'm quite shocked to hear about his weight. They call him "Juicy" at the daycare because they think he is such a big boy! When I told his caregiver this morning that he is only 14 lbs 5 oz, she said, "it must be all muscle." :-)
Asa is doing incredibly well with all his milestones - he's been rolling over on his own for a month now and LOVES to be on his tummy! He is grabbing his toys and even shakes his rattle on his own now. Asa enjoys his Mommy's singing - either he thinks her voice is beautiful or just very funny! We are also pretty positive that he is teething due to all the signs he is showing, but the doctor says it could be months before any pearly whites pop up. He sits up very well in his Bumbo and holds his head up on his own.
We've decided after today's doctor's visit to finally graduate him to his crib. We got a little nudge from the pediatrician. He's been sleeping next to Mom since birth in his cradle next to our bed. The fact that he still sleeps there is purely my own laziness - I'll admit it. I can easily roll over and take care of his needs from my bed, whereas any crying from here on out will require me to physically get up. Yuck! Still, I know his development is more important than my sleep (words I never thought I'd say - sleep is the almighty to me!). The next few nights will likely be harder on me than on Asa - I will miss having him right next to me.
Asa got his second round of vaccinations today. The boy did wonderful this time - and Mom was much braver, too. Dad still has to work on his anxiety level with seeing the boy in pain, but Mom and Asa were the Spartans today!
Happy Birthday to Asa... our son is growing up so fast!


My buddy, Elijah!

We had a great visit with the Presley's this week. Asa met Eli and Payton and had a great time in the arms of Sloane for most our visit. :-) We can't wait 'til we are old enough to jump on the trampoline and play with Elvis, the pig!


Princess Ansley turned 3!

We were invited to the circus... oh no, it was Ansley's 3rd birthday party - and it was so much fun. Although there was no face painting for Asa, he had a great time hanging out with all the kiddies - and Mom and Dad, of course. For more pics, click here.

Asa FINALLY meets Addison

On Valentine's Day, Drew and I sacrificed romance for the all important meeting of two cousins. It was long overdue and the day was perfect - Asa met his 3-week-old cousin, Addie, and we all had a great time in Powder Springs. For more pics, click here.


Addie, Baby!

The Zbeebs have past around a head cold to each other over the past week or so... first it was Mom, then Asa, and finally Dad. Unfortunately, this particular head cold has lingered - most especially with Asa who is probably picking up germ after germ at daycare. Not that head colds don't suck enough on their own, but this head cold has kept the Zbeeb fam from seeing our niece/cousin. Thankfully, Addie's mom has continued to keep us in love with her little one through sending pics online. Take a quick look here to fall head over heels yourself. Addie, we can't wait to see you again... in person!!!


Stone Mountain: Conquered

We climbed up Stone Mountain on a beautiful day.

Asa got the giggles with Daddy!

Yea!!! I made it all the way up the mountain with this lady on my back!

For more great pics of our day, click here.


What a week!

Asa is really getting to be a big boy - now he's sitting in his big boy Bumbo chair and he also got in the jumper for the first time this week. And he has no problem filling in the hats that Mommy tortures him with... but how cute is he?!


Fun times with Mom!

We have a whole new living room that Mom and Asa were enjoying this weekend, though you can't see it from these pics. Still, the kid is having FUN!