
Bye, Bye, Dogs...

... and kisses for Mama!

Another morning trying to get out of the house and on to school.

If you cannot view this video here, go to our YouTube channel.

Miller is standing!



Asa at School

Mom's been missing the morning time with the boy, but Dad's been having all the fun. Asa gets to stay home longer and take his precious time with his first breakfast (before school breakfast), then gets dressed and has some playtime before heading off to DHCDC. Once there, Dad hangs out for half hour or so and has his own playtime with the kids. I'm so happy that Ace and Drew get this time together... but I miss it TERRIBLY. So, Drew has been sending me video by mid-morning to make me smile! Just thought I'd pass along the joy...

If you can't view these videos, check out our YouTube channel!

Impromtu Visit Downtown

There wasn't much to do on Saturday, so we decided to take Ace to The Children's Museum and the water fountains at Centennial Olympic Park. Guess which activity he enjoyed more? And guess which one we paid for versus which one was free? Kids... gotta love that most often they prefer their entertainment free of charge!

If you cannot view these videos, check out our YouTube channel here!


More Ark Video

Click here for more fantastic Noah's Ark video that Alex took with her Flip cam. I am pretty sure Asa's got the 'animal gene'!