
Place Your Bets Here

Written by Heather

We have less than two months to go and still over $4,000 to raise to meet our goal. And, really, that goal needs to be surpassed! So let's be overachievers, as we are all sure Ariana will be, and raise more than $10,000 for PRISMS.

So, we got any gamblers out there? Forget the football pools and help us pool money. Place your best bets now by guessing Heather's marathon finishing time to qualify for an AH-MAZING prize (diamond ring valued at over $500 - see pic below)! Those of you who donate at least $26.20, or $1/mile, will be eligible to enter the pool. Email your guess to Heather or Melissa or simply leave it in the comment section to this post. All guesses (and their respective donations made directly to the RAZOO site) should be submitted by November 6, so we have time to put a list together.

To give you a bit of an advantage, here's some info on my training, pitiful as it may be, but I digress... I hope to finish in under 5 hours while still being able to breathe on my own. Remember, this is my first marathon, so you can guess under 4 hours if you like, but it will not happen. :-) Here's what I've run in recent races:

9/7/13 Eastman Road Race 10K 51:14 (that's 8:15/mile)
10/27/12 Haunted Half Marathon (13.1m) 2:02:08 (that's 9:31/mile)
10/13/12 Overmountain Men Run 15K 1:21:20 (that's 8:44/mile)

Just as you see above, your guess should be to the second. For example, 3:40:46 is 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 46 seconds. The seconds may be what separates the winner from the rest of the guesses! If there happens to be more than one guess of the winning time, the final winner will be chosen at random. And don't worry - we'll have some consolation prizes for close calls and randomly selected winners from the pool. Please share this information with all your friends and family. The more people involved in the pool, the more money we'll raise for PRISMS.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Ariana, The A Team, and PRISMS.


Our First Dragoncon Parade

Written by Melissa

We (Andrew, Ace, Steve, Calvin, Gigi, and myself) ventured out this past weekend to a different realm... Atlanta's Annual Dragoncon Parade. A first, but we agreed certainly not the last. While the parade was ridiculously packed (and actually quite funky after an hour or so), it was awesome! Asa enjoyed the storm troopers, boxheroes, and the zombies. Mom loved Chewbacka and some Spartan warriors! :-) Dad, well, he was a bit overstimulated by all - but then, that's his usual state! Enjoy the many, many pictures! (Hint - to fully appreciate the detail of the costumes, try viewing these on a full screen.)