
Pregnant woman's grocery store run = $50

Ahhh - yes, a pregnant woman knows how to grocery shop! Not necessarily for a family - or even for a hungry husband... just for her own personal satisfaction. Let's see, we covered the basic food catetgories, right? Can we say CARBS?!!! How much bread does one need? - 2 loaves, bagels, pita bread, hamburger buns, galore! Then, there's the SALT category - in regular and cheese flavors. DAIRY gets checked off with milk and snickers ice cream bars. And SUGAR (that's a food category in my book) - with powdered donuts and hershey's syrup... no, that is not a pregnant woman's craving - they aren't meant to go together, but they did get eaten in the same night! CapriSuns added some flavored WATER - much needed for the baby, of course. And finally, you might ask - how the heck did I spend $50? Well, I wouldn't be a very responsible pregnant woman if I didn't take my prenatal vitamins... so that was half the total bill. I mean, the doctor does say I'm getting all the baby needs in my daily vitamin dosage - so the rest of my diet is free game, right? My husband says, "Making a pregnant woman [fat and] happy = priceless!"


Anonymous said...

I love the husband's take on the list! Dan and I are looking forward to Saturday at 2:00.
Love you, Ann

Krista said...

looks like a good meal plan to me!