
To the Moon and Back

Written by Melissa

As a part of my new normal, I have been tasked with writing to my infant daughter who does not live with me - part of my new life, mind you, that I never planned for, let alone imagined would exist in my world. From the beginning of my letter writing, I found it immensely difficult to express how very much I loved her with mere written words. Still, I wanted her to know that my love for her was big - well, HUGE! Of course, I wasn't sure based on her diagnosis how much she'd understand - of my love for her, of my pain for losing her, of my joy for our new blended family united by her. I'm still not sure how much she'll understand, but one thing I do know is that I will be consistent in telling and showing her.

So, I decided to put the words, "I love you to the moon and back!" at the end of all of my letters to her. I thought maybe she'd hear those words over and over and know that my love for her is out of this world. What I didn't see happening, but have been tremendously comforted by, was her other Mom to pick up on this message.

For Ariana's baptism, I gave her a picture book I created of her life's beginning with photos from my pregnancy, our anticipation of her arrival, her birth, time spent in NICU, and the precious few months she spent in our home. It reads very much like a children's book explaining to Ari where she came from and how we all became a big family because of our love for her and how we can't wait to watch her grow up and to be truly blessed as family as a result of her coming to be.

Today, in the mail, we received her continued story, a photo book made by Heather. This one reads like a letter from Ariana. It includes pictures from the immediate days after her Entrustment Ceremony, her nursery filled with her things from our home and gifts from us, and festive moments from Thanksgiving and Christmas, too. The words are so sweet, stating how she misses us, but enjoys her new home and loves that we've created a life for her that she loves. It ends with, "I am so blessed to have this wonderful, big family to pray for me and love me. Thank you for this gift. I love you forever, to the moon and back."

My heart is full.


Cousin Ann said...

Oh, this is beyond awesome, the old awesome definition. And I love ALL of you...to the moon and back! Always love, always prayers, Ann

Anonymous said...

We are so glad the photobook was received with happiness. Just yesterday Jim's mom, Grandma Ronnie, sent Ariana a book called "Guess How Much I Love You". It ends with "I love you right up to the moon-and back". We will do all we can so that Ariana knows of this special, huge and lasting love you have for her. We feel so blessed to be able to share with her, all the love that you and everyone else has for her. It is such an amazing thing to be a part of, and we thank you. We love you all!

Heather and Jim

No Kids Napping said...

That is so cool! How thoughtful and sweet. Love you and thinking of you, Meliss. Love reading your newest entries on the blog. :)