
CASA Funding in Grave Jeopardy

Written by Melissa

Just last week I became a CASA volunteer. Today I've learned that federally funding for the CASA program is in grave jeopardy. Unfortunately, a senator from my state is not on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, but maybe there is one from your state (see the list below). If so, please email or call your senator TODAY asking him/her to appropriate the authorized funding level of $12M for the CASA program. A decision from the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee will be determined tomorrow, July 16, so flood them will requests today. Read here for more details on how you can help.

StateSenator to contact
AlabamaSenator Richard Shelby (Vice Chairman)
AlaskaSenator Lisa Murkowski
ArkansasSenator John Boozman and Senator Mark Pryor
CaliforniaSenator Dianne Feinstein
DelawareSenator Chris Coons
IllinoisSenator Mark Kirk
KentuckySenator Mitch McConnell
LouisianaSenator Mary Landrieu
MaineSenator Susan Collins
MarylandSenator Barbara Mikulski (Chairwoman)
New HampshireSenator Jeanne Shaheen
OregonSenator Jeff Merkley
Rhode IslandSenator Jack Reed
South CarolinaSenator Lindsey Graham
TennesseeSenator Lamar Alexander
VermontSenator Patrick Leahy

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