
Marathon Shmarathon - Bring on the 5K to Benefit TWO Awesome Organizations

Written by Melissa

Heather has trained for months for her first marathon and her loved ones will cheer her on to reach that finish line! Still, most of us just can't imagine running for 26.2 miles. So, what about running (or walking) in the 5K?

For every person that signs up for the Chickamauga Battlefield 5K, Jim and Heather will donate $25 toward the PRISMS fundraiser, up to $1000. And check this out - 100% of the 5K net proceeds will go to the Thompson Children's Hospital at Erlanger. So that's a double whammy good deed!!! Let us know that you've signed up - and be sure to wear your best gear in support of The A Team and PRISMS. We'll be sure to cheer you on, too!

If you can't make the 5K, which starts at 8am on 11/9, and would prefer to donate the race registration fee directly to PRISMS, please do so through RAZOO. This way, Jim and Heather will be sure to match it with their $25 donation in your honor.

Finally, if you plan to join us in cheering Heather and all the runners on, here's some information on nearby hotels and lodging. Be sure to give us a heads up so we can look for you at the race!

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