
2015 Rocks!... Thankfully

Written by Melissa

Each new year brings a renewal, a do over, an opportunity for change. As the calendar turns the page to 2015, I am challenging myself to BE better. And not just better than I was in 2014, but better than I wanted to be. And to accomplish this, I will live this year in gratitude.

There is no joy without gratitude. ~ Brene Brown

I created "The Rocks Box," in which I (and whoever feels so inclined when they visit my home) will fill with thoughts of gratefulness - notes of appreciation, LOL moments, accomplishments, milestones, and memories. In general, if it rocks, then it makes the box!

At the end of 2015, I look so forward to reading and sharing the notes that have collected over the year. It will provide such a JOYOUS time of reflection.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea!! You ROCK!