
I'm a Westminster Wildcat!

So glad to finally announce that I was offered and have accepted the position of the Assistant Director of Marketing & Communications at The Westminster Schools. It has been a long process, which included a phone and face-to-face interview with a recruiter, an interview with the Director of Marketing & Communications and an informational session with the Director of Human Resources, a panel interview with 4 administrators (2 of which were also teachers), AND 3 hours of psychological testing. After all that, I was selected out of over 160 applicants for the job.

I could not be more excited about this opportunity. For some of you, this isn't really news - because I sucked you into the vortex known as "Melissa's next career move" a long time ago. For the rest of you, I have been seeking a position in the K-12 private school sector for over a year now. It has certainly been a long road, but this was well worth the wait. I look incredibly forward to this new challenge - and am very hopeful that this will be a long-term (dare I say lifelong) place to work and one that embraces not just me, but Andrew and Ace, as well.

Thanks to those of you that cheered me on along the way. Look forward to having you at football games, drama performances, robotics team competitions, and more (depending on your entertainment preference, of course). Go Wildcats!


Sloane said...

Way to go Mel! So glad things are heading in the direction you had hoped and aimed for. You are amazing. Can't wait to hear about your first weeks there when you start.

Krista said...

Congratulations! :)

Emily Cook said...

That is AWESOME! I am so proud of you girl. What a excellent opportunity for you and especially for Asa. Good job girl.