
Karate Kid

Written by Melissa

Per Asa's request, he started karate last month. These videos are of his very first session with the instructor. Asa has played basketball, soccer, and baseball in the past year, but none of those sports brought on the excitement and, dare I say it, FOCUS that karate has in him. It's fantastic to watch. He is passionate about learning. He's even gotten much better since these videos were even taken just a hand full of sessions ago.

Enjoy Asa-son. Pretty soon, I'll be teaching him the value of wax on, wax off - the Yukon needs a good cleaning! :-)


Christmas Card "Insert"

Written by Melissa

I normally insert a page-long (if not longer) letter with my Christmas cards every season. I typically write about our family events of the year. However, with this year's card including our blog address so prominently, I decided to save a few trees and just include my "insert" here as a post. Hope you don't mind - just being environmentally-friendly.

At the top of 2013, my family embarked on a new year... and a new life. We had transitioned into The A Team and we were all still pretty confused about what had just happened - and, more importantly, what was to come. Thankfully, Jim, Heather, Andrew, and I worked hard and steady very early to make the vision of our new family a reality. Here now at the end of the year, I can assure you, I have an amazing family of 6... and I LOVE it! But, let me not get ahead of myself too quickly.

January was a month of newness for us all. We had a bit of a struggle with Asa adjusting to his new normal. Well, each of us struggled, really. But we enlisted the help friends, family, and professionals, and they have ALL helped us through the tougher moments in the beginning and throughout the year. We are ever so grateful for all of your warmth and love for our family. We keep each of you (you know who you are) very close to our hearts!

Ariana grew strong in her new loving home - also adjusting to the newness of, well, the world! Even bananas were new to her! :-) In March, Nana and I took a weekend trip to see Ariana. It was a wonderful visit. It was such a joy to see her smile! Then, Easter came at the end of the month and we all gathered at our home to enjoy an amazing egg hunt with tons of family and friends.

May brought on Mother's Day. Maybe one of the harder days of my year, but also a precious one. I had started by this time to accept my life as it was - and even relax in it. Still, while my head had learned to sit better with our new family life, my heart was still broken. I kept hoping I had done (and was doing) the best I could for both my kids. Well, spending the day with both of them reassured me of that. I know they are bonded as only siblings can be. And I know they are individually growing in the best environments with all the love and support I could hope for each of them. And I am so thankful to have shared the day with Heather. She is an amazing Mom and deserves the joy of motherhood - not to mention, she makes it look good!!!

In June, another bitterSWEET day took place - Ariana's official adoption day. It was a day of both tears and laughter. One that only a mother - both by birth and by choice - can fully appreciate as one of the most precious days in her lifetime. Certainly, a day I never thought I'd ever see, but a day I will never forget --- and never regret. It will forever be one of my most memorable days on this earth. Again, to have been there as a unit, as The A Team, was both amazing and trailblazing... we even had the judge confused about our unique and extended family. But it didn't matter. What did matter and still does matter the most is the love that surrounds Asa and Ariana. It's irreplicable.

July brought on a new role in my life - as a CASA volunteer. I've since taken on a case with a young lady that I am proud to report is doing very well despite her trials and tribulations in her short existence. It's been quite fascinating to hear her story and to see the steps she's taken in the aftermath of her own trauma. Makes me take a deep breath and realize that we all have a story. It's how we LIVE with those stories that makes us who we REALLY are.

August was a fantastically busy month. Ariana turned 1, if you can believe that!! I can't! We all celebrated with a room full of family and friends and presents, lots of presents. It was so easy to see all the love for Ari. I am so grateful for the village that has been built to support her as she grows - and she is growing! There's no stopping that. Asa began PreK - yet another milestone I can't believe! He started in a new school this year and he's had tremendous progress in his learning there. The teachers are incredible with him - they are teaching him a great deal, but loving on him just as much. He's met some new friends, but kept the old. Asa truly has a wonderful spirit and amazes me daily with his big heart.

Asa's another one that keeps growing - the boy turned 5 in October! Pretty sure he's tall enough for Space Mountain at Walt Disney World - and we'll be testing that out this month! Woohoo... but shhhhh - he doesn't know we're going. :-)

November brought on the amazing race! Heather finished in record time!!! Hey - it was her first marathon... it's a record for her! But, we all really finished marathons of our own. Jim and Heather celebrated one full year as parents - and Andrew and I closed the first chapter (and look forward to the next) in our role in The A Team. And I can't fail to mention the $10K that was raced for PRISMS in honor of Ariana and our family, our team, our marathons!

And now we're here - in the present - in the now, as they say. A place we like to live daily. A place that is starting to feel comfortable again. Normalcy. Woe! Who would've thunk it?! We all made it through the year together. And though there may have been some lows, Asa reminded us just recently that it's alright to cry... crying gets the sad OUT of you... it's alright to cry... it's gonna make you feel BETTER! And after the tears dried, we also had some very high highs. I feel so lucky to be a part of this new normal. So blessed to know and to LOVE Jim and Heather (and all the family that comes with them, too!).

Finally, we're incredibly glad to announce that the 6 of us are now living in the SAME state!!! How cool?! It was certainly a hope and part of the vision of our family last year, but now a reality. Just a little over a half hour drive from each other now, we have a new year to look forward to all sorts of time together - helping each other, supporting each other, growing together, and loving one another.

What a year! And to many, many more...

Merry Christmas to all --- and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
(Click here if you'd like to take a look at our 2013 family pics!)


It's Alright to Cry

Written by Melissa

Andrew and I attended our first ever school performance last week before the Thanksgiving break. Asa's class (and 3 others) joined to sing, "It's Alright to Cry."

We were in the way back, so it was tough to make out. We asked Asa to sing a solo version for us in the car. First round was performed by "shy" Asa, second round sung by "I love the attention and affirmation" Asa. Both help us to realize that it is indeed alright to cry (and laugh). It makes you feel better!


Life's Marathons

Written by Melissa

Last year, on November 9, I woke up and put a beautiful dress on Ariana. It was handmade by a dear friend. She was simply angelic. I managed to get myself dressed and Asa in something decent, too. My family - both immediate and extended - headed to the entrustment ceremony I had planned for Ari. This was a first for us all - something we never heard of before - but then it was the first of many firsts in our lives. It was a precious and painful day.

I don't know that I would have described it this way last year, but it was very much like an emotional marathon. I had been preparing myself for weeks for this day, the day I would entrust another to be Ariana's mother. I was preparing myself for the unknown - and it was most frightening. I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I would make it through the day or the days to follow. But Heather was there - that day and the days to follow. Most importantly, she was there for Ariana - and I knew she would be an amazing mother to Ari. I never had a single doubt about that and that was of such great comfort. What I didn't know, but came to learn so quickly, was that Heather was there for me, too. She was so supportive of me and my feelings. When I cried, she cried with me. When I laughed, she laughed with me. When I needed to see Ari, she welcomed me with open arms and an open heart. I have never known another woman like her. I am so proud that she is my daughter's mother - and that she is my friend - that she is my teammate - that she is my family!

This year, on November 9, I woke up and put my family - both immediate and extended - in the car to head to the Chickamauga Battlefield in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. It was Heather's marathon to support this time. Her first! Obviously, hers was the real deal of 26.2 miles - a long, hard, cold 26.2 miles. I was glad to be there for her. I wanted to show my support - my appreciation - my love. I felt so proud to watch her cross the finish line. And she did it so fast!

I'm not sure what marathons life has left for us. I'm sure we're both hoping for the ones that come with some work, but NOT so much pain! Nevertheless, there isn't anything Heather and I can't do with each other by our side. So, here's to the next first... may we kick it's butt, too!

Heather Crosses the Finish Line, but Who Wins?

Written by Melissa
Information Provided by Heather

We watched as Heather crossed the finished line at an amazing time of 4:27:08 in her very FIRST marathon (and she has confirmed her LAST)! It was a great race and so awesome to watch her cross the finish line of such a fantastic bucket list item. She looked good doing it, too!

So, now that her race as come to an end, who are the winners?

Well, to start, thanks to the incredible generosity of so many friends and family members, PRISMS is the real winner as we will donate $10,085 to their organization. So many of you dug deep into your pockets throughout the fundraiser and it was only days ago that we were sitting firm at $7,400 in the pot. We were proud of that number, so you can only imagine our pride and excitement when you all came through in the 11th hour to help us to "cross the fundraising finish line" of $10K! Many families with loved ones with SMS will reap the rewards of your kindness and charitableness. And they are the winners here, too! We are forever grateful.

As for the grand prize winner, with a guess of 4:30:30, Vickie Gaither takes home the beautiful ring. Consolation prizes go to Heather Connell, who will receive a quilt, and Catherine Winburn, who will receive a PRISMS t-shirt.

Again, The A Team is so very thankful that you helped to make our first fundraiser a remarkable success. When we originally set our goal at $10,000, we knew it was lofty. We should not have underestimated the love and support of all of you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!


Our First Year

Written by Heather

This time last year we were anxiously anticipating new and wonderful additions to our family. We had just met Ariana, Asa, Andrew, and Melissa, but already felt completely at ease with them. Meeting extended family on November 9, 2012, for the entrustment ceremony, that feeling continued. There was never anything that felt more right.

Now, a year later, that feeling is even more solidified. We have come a long way in such a short time. This family, clearly created by God himself, will stand strong together through anything. Of this I am sure.

I thank God for bringing us all together. I thank Melissa, Andrew, and Asa for their courage to think "outside the box," and for their trust in us. I also thank God for their immense love for and pride in everything Ariana. I thank Jim for his strength of faith and for the wonderful daddy and husband he is. I thank Ariana for completely changing my life and how I see the world. And I thank all our loved ones, and even those I do not know, for the immense pouring out of love and support.

It is my great honor to be Ariana's mother. The joy she brings every day is beyond words. Her soul is pure and innocent, as any child's, but this is most obvious when you look into her eyes. She can draw attention from across a room, from a complete stranger. She is intent, observant, funny, beautiful, and very stubborn. As she grows, I know she will use these and the rest of her God given gifts fully to her advantage. This could be trouble.

At the forming of this unique family, Melissa suggested the moniker, "The A Team." I being a child of the 80's thought of the TV show. This led me to wonder who would be who? This was not easy, but this is what I came up with.


First, I figured Jim was "Murdock" - it's his goofiness, I guess. He is certainly not insane, actually he's probably the most sane person I know. I pegged Melissa for "Hannibal." To me, she is the leader, the organizer. Andrew would be "Faceman" - it's the Andy Garcia thing he's got going on. I myself am left being "BA." Don't let my size fool you, Sucka, I am the enforcer! I do not mind getting my hands dirty. What do you think?

Honestly, I feel we all have the best qualities of each of these characters. We are all flexible enough to take on different roles as needed. This is part of what makes this work so well. We will change hats, so to speak, to lift up and support whatever team member is in need. For now, the team is solid in support of Ari and Asa. This Saturday, we add supporting myself. This support is emotional and will probably end up being physical as well. After over four hours of running, I am not sure if I will still be able to stand on my own. But, no matter, The A Team will be there and that will make everything possible.

So, four more days left. Days of rest, hydration, stretching, and anticipation. We may not reach our monetary goal, but we have far surpassed our goals as a family over this first year. I am so proud to be a part of The A Team and so thankful for the amazing year it has brought. I pray for God's continued guidance and blessing on us and on all of you.


13 days, $2,669 To Go

Written by Melissa

We can do this!!! Only 13 days and $2,669 to go until Heather's first marathon. We want her to reach the finish line just as much as we want to reach our $10K fundraising goal for PRISMS. Who's in to push us over the last mile?

FYI - for those still placing last minute bets, this past Saturday's half marathon time was 1:58:15. She's speedy!

We have an official logo now - thanks to the amazing Chesley Lowe. We also updated our url to reflect our blog name! And so we took the opportunity to jazz up the design of the site a bit, too. There's lots in store for THE A TEAM and this blog is a place we will keep you all in the loop on our scoop! Keep coming back for updates.

For now, let's dig deep (into our pockets) and donate what we can to reach our goal. We can't thank those of you enough who have already donated. The support we've received is overwhelming!


Marathon Shmarathon - Bring on the 5K to Benefit TWO Awesome Organizations

Written by Melissa

Heather has trained for months for her first marathon and her loved ones will cheer her on to reach that finish line! Still, most of us just can't imagine running for 26.2 miles. So, what about running (or walking) in the 5K?

For every person that signs up for the Chickamauga Battlefield 5K, Jim and Heather will donate $25 toward the PRISMS fundraiser, up to $1000. And check this out - 100% of the 5K net proceeds will go to the Thompson Children's Hospital at Erlanger. So that's a double whammy good deed!!! Let us know that you've signed up - and be sure to wear your best gear in support of The A Team and PRISMS. We'll be sure to cheer you on, too!

If you can't make the 5K, which starts at 8am on 11/9, and would prefer to donate the race registration fee directly to PRISMS, please do so through RAZOO. This way, Jim and Heather will be sure to match it with their $25 donation in your honor.

Finally, if you plan to join us in cheering Heather and all the runners on, here's some information on nearby hotels and lodging. Be sure to give us a heads up so we can look for you at the race!

The Big 5!

Written by Melissa

It's so hard to believe we have a 5-year-old. Seems like only yesterday we were newly embarking on parenthood... of course, blissfully ignorant about what parenthood really was, but embarking on it nonetheless.

In five years, Asa has taught us so much about who we are and who we want to be. He's given us reason to be better and stronger people than we ever were before him. He's been through quite a lot in his short years, but you wouldn't know it from his amazingly playful demeanor and love of life. He is extremely well-adjusted, despite life's attempt at rocking his world. In fact, he loves his world. And we couldn't be more proud of him.

As any 5-year-old should enjoy, we had an awesome Star Wars themed birthday party over the weekend. Friends and family came out to help us celebrate, as did Obi-Wan Kenobi and others to help make his Jedi-training party a rockin' good time. Take a look at the MANY pictures!

Of course, The A Team was in full effect and we were excited to all be together for Ace's big day. So excited that we just couldn't contain our goofiness.

Asa was very happy to have Ari by his side. Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia - brother and sister - were perfect peas in a pod.

Now for his annual "stats," where there are no shockers here:

Height - 45.94 inches (95th percentile)
Weight - 52.2 pounds (95th percentile)
BMI - 17.33 (90th percentile)

So happy birthday to our BIG, healthy, sweet, and handsome boy! We love you dearly!


Less Than a Month to Go - Let's Make a Last-Minute Run For It

Written by Heather

This video is of Ariana communicating. She is not being as emphatic about it as she usually would be, but I was really lucky to get anything on video, considering she will usually just pose.

Ariana is now occasionally pulling herself up in her crib. I found her standing this morning in there. She also finds it funny to flip over on her changing table so we cannot get her diaper back on. She is so strong, she is giving us quite the workout. So, with that in mind it is my duty, with less than a month left until race day, to prove that running around with a one year old, along with faith and the love and support of family and friends, is all one needs to be well trained for any challenges life brings, including marathons. This is my story, and God willing, I will prove it to be true if I can manage to survive the 26.2 miles without having to walk the whole way.

We still have nearly $4,000 to raise, and time is running out. Tell everyone you know, share our Razoo site. And remember, there are prizes to be won for guessing my finish (net) time. We will round up in the case there are two close answers on either side (because I appreciate your guesses on the lower side, considering my lack of training). And again, in the case of more than one correct guess, a winner will be chosen at random. All guesses should be submitted by midnight, November 6, to be considered, and the minimum donation requested is $26.20/guess.

Thank you for all of your support!


The Life that I Was Meant to Live

Written by Melissa

When people ask about my family and all that we've been through over the past year or so, I tend to say, "Well, this was not the life I expected." And it wasn't. But just saying that alone doesn't fully encompass my meaning or the sentiment I hope to portray.  In my recent soul searching (a journey I suspect I'll forever be on), I have come to realize that even though I am not leading the life I expected to live, I am certainly leading the life I was meant to live.

Some might ask, what's the difference? Well, surely I could never have predicted in a million years that my family would be challenged the way we were, the way we are. Further, I surely also wouldn't have chosen that for myself --- if given a choice. But that's just it, we aren't given choices when it comes to major life crises. And the same can be said for major life miracles. They just happen!

In my case, the way I know this is the life I'm meant to live is because with my crisis, a miracle followed - several really. See, I was meant to have a beautiful baby girl who has touched so many lives in her short one. I was meant to have learned so much from her without even her first word uttered. I was meant to meet her amazing parents, Jim and Heather, and to learn to love and trust in a new way that can only be defined as a true, authentic, and honest in a world that is certainly not always true, authentic, and honest.  I was meant to be surrounded by the amazing family and friends that have showered me with love and support in my toughest time. I was meant to feel the pain that only a mother can - as well as the joy that only a mother can. I was meant to fully believe in my heart that both of my children are exactly where they are meant to be.

So even thought I didn't expect this life, it was meant for me. And I'm grateful for it and EVERYONE in it. Much love to all of you.


Place Your Bets Here

Written by Heather

We have less than two months to go and still over $4,000 to raise to meet our goal. And, really, that goal needs to be surpassed! So let's be overachievers, as we are all sure Ariana will be, and raise more than $10,000 for PRISMS.

So, we got any gamblers out there? Forget the football pools and help us pool money. Place your best bets now by guessing Heather's marathon finishing time to qualify for an AH-MAZING prize (diamond ring valued at over $500 - see pic below)! Those of you who donate at least $26.20, or $1/mile, will be eligible to enter the pool. Email your guess to Heather or Melissa or simply leave it in the comment section to this post. All guesses (and their respective donations made directly to the RAZOO site) should be submitted by November 6, so we have time to put a list together.

To give you a bit of an advantage, here's some info on my training, pitiful as it may be, but I digress... I hope to finish in under 5 hours while still being able to breathe on my own. Remember, this is my first marathon, so you can guess under 4 hours if you like, but it will not happen. :-) Here's what I've run in recent races:

9/7/13 Eastman Road Race 10K 51:14 (that's 8:15/mile)
10/27/12 Haunted Half Marathon (13.1m) 2:02:08 (that's 9:31/mile)
10/13/12 Overmountain Men Run 15K 1:21:20 (that's 8:44/mile)

Just as you see above, your guess should be to the second. For example, 3:40:46 is 3 hours, 40 minutes, and 46 seconds. The seconds may be what separates the winner from the rest of the guesses! If there happens to be more than one guess of the winning time, the final winner will be chosen at random. And don't worry - we'll have some consolation prizes for close calls and randomly selected winners from the pool. Please share this information with all your friends and family. The more people involved in the pool, the more money we'll raise for PRISMS.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Ariana, The A Team, and PRISMS.


Our First Dragoncon Parade

Written by Melissa

We (Andrew, Ace, Steve, Calvin, Gigi, and myself) ventured out this past weekend to a different realm... Atlanta's Annual Dragoncon Parade. A first, but we agreed certainly not the last. While the parade was ridiculously packed (and actually quite funky after an hour or so), it was awesome! Asa enjoyed the storm troopers, boxheroes, and the zombies. Mom loved Chewbacka and some Spartan warriors! :-) Dad, well, he was a bit overstimulated by all - but then, that's his usual state! Enjoy the many, many pictures! (Hint - to fully appreciate the detail of the costumes, try viewing these on a full screen.)




Ari's Official Stats @1

Written by Melissa
Information and Video Provided by Heather

A child is never truly officially another year old until she goes to the doctor and her stats are officially recorded! At one-year-old, Ariana weighs in at 19 lbs and 12 ounces, putting her in the 25th percentile for weight. She's also 27 inches tall, which places her at less than the 3rd percentile in height. So, Shakespeare reminds us, "and though she be but little, she is fierce." Of course, at one, her brother was on the opposite end of the chart - and he considers himself quite fierce, too! He can (and most likely will) use his size to be her protector! :-)

As my godmother would say, Ariana is well on her way to becoming "a mover and a shaker!" Our sweet girl is not only growing physically, but she is inspiring the growth of our Razoo for PRISMS. Quite the philanthropist, indeed! Check her out as she rides in her pink convertible and waves like the princess that she is!


TCS Pre-K Geckos

Written by Melissa

Asa has enjoyed a full week at his new school, The Children's School (TCS). He is in the "Geckos" Pre-K class, with his teachers Jean, Nitefa, and Leslie. We've been able to get bits and pieces out of him at the end of his long days about what he's doing. Mostly, "I don't remember" is the first reply, but when we push a bit, he comes out with all sorts of cool happenings, including popcorn breaks, snacks outside, all school assembly with "the very old 6th graders," and more. Being the new kid on the block can be tough, but Asa has really not shown any signs of regression. He fondly mentions his friends from his old school and hasn't spoken too much of any new friends, at least not by name, yet. But he's a Zbeeb - he's got the gift of gab - he'll be popular in no time.

Until then, he's been incredibly happy to have this little guy - a classmate, indeed - to keep him smiling and looking very forward to each day. Not sure if this is Dash or Violet, but we're glad they are both on the class roster in the "Geckos" room.


On Her Birthday, She Gives

Written by Heather

Thank you so much to all who traveled near and far for Ariana's first birthday. We missed so many due to the distance, but your love and wishes were present with us. Ariana will enjoy all of her gifts, but many more do and will enjoy the gifts that she gives. Thanks to her spirit, and the generosity of family and friends, nearly $1500 was raised for PRISMS over the weekend, putting us over the half-way mark in our goal toward $10,000. And we still have donations coming in. What seemed like a far shot is coming more and more into reach. We are full of love and gratitude to all.

Congratulations to all the raffle winners:
PRISMS gift basket -------- Cris Thorp
Thirty-One package -------- Andrew Zbeeb
Bath and Body gift card --- Amanda Larkin
WalMart gift card ---------- Pam Ferraro
Panera gift card ------------- Nickie Peters
Humidor --------------------- Carol Drury
Stationary gift bag ---------- Cassidy Wilbanks
Golf clubs -------------------- Frazer Vaughn
Butterfly painting ----------- Margaret Miller

A Year Flew By

Written by Melissa

There's an old saying, the days are long, but the years fly by. For me, the past year was filled with days that were so painfully long I thought they'd never end. Still, it is hard to believe that Ariana turned one this past weekend. Seems it was only yesterday that I met her.

On August 18, 2012, I delivered Ariana. Compared to the labor and delivery of her older brother, Ari's entrance into the world was a breeze. Unfortunately this go round, it was not my health at risk, but Ariana's. Almost immediately she was whisked away by nurses to the neonatal intensive care unit. The memory of that moment is just as heartbreaking as it was on that day. We never saw it coming. Only Ariana knew what she had in store for us all.

In just one year so much has changed. Lives have changed. Many lives. Ariana has probably touched more people in her first year of life than I've touched in my 35 years. She is special, in so many more ways than we even know.

Celebrating her birth is bittersweet, of course. When she was born I had no idea that I'd live my life without her in my home. I had no idea the struggles and challenges that she would face, that we would all face. I had no idea I'd walk the rest of my days with a broken heart.

But then there is the 'sweet' - there is Ari. She is teaching me to love in a new way - a way without bounds, without barriers - a way of full trust and great faith. She does this through her parents, Jim and Heather, and their incredible openness and strength. She does this through her brother, Asa, and his amazing resilience and acceptance of our new normal. And she does this through her big eyes and bright smile that both show me her soul and tell me she is exactly where she is supposed to be.

And so, a year later, we're okay. Actually, we're more than okay. We're family. And families celebrate first birthdays BIG. Ari's party was filled with butterflies, balloons, cake, fun, laughter, and love. Surrounded by the many she's touched - both in person and in spirit - Ariana turned one with style and ease. And then, decided she was partied out!

See all the party pics here.


Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatchya Gonna Do?

Written by Melissa

Asa and Ariana were in sync last week when they both posed as police officers. I think they could be cited as the cutest darn cops I've ever seen!

If we had a dollar for every snore...

Written by Melissa
Video by Heather

To encourage the continued generosity of our friends and family... and their friends and family... as well as to show our sincerest gratitude, Heather will be posting a new (and always adorable) video of Ariana to the Razoo website each week until the marathon. To start, take a look at sleeping beauty - we dare you not to get awed by her snoring! :-)


Razoo Woo-Whoo

Written by Heather

With just three weeks left until Ariana's big first birthday, we would like to rev up our donations on Razoo. We hope for donations for PRISMS in her honor in lieu of birthday gifts. So let's overload them and try to hit the $5000 mark! Every donor will have an automatic entry into the raffle to be held at Ari's birthday party. Please also leave us your comments and birthday wishes on the Razoo site. Also, when you donate on Razoo, you can share it with your friends on Facebook. Email the information to your address list for added support... the more the merrier.

Ariana is changing lives in so many ways. Her beautiful eyes and spirit brightens the worst of days.


$2K Down, $8K To Go

Written by Melissa

Over the weekend, The A Team on the Run's fundraiser surpassed the $2,000 mark. That means we have just under $8,000 to be raised and we know we can do it. Having overcome many odds in the past year, we are confident that no matter what challenges lie ahead, together we can accomplish our goals. Raising $10,000 for PRISMS is certainly the one of many grand challenges we'll face. Looking forward to knocking it out of the park!

CASA Funding in Grave Jeopardy

Written by Melissa

Just last week I became a CASA volunteer. Today I've learned that federally funding for the CASA program is in grave jeopardy. Unfortunately, a senator from my state is not on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, but maybe there is one from your state (see the list below). If so, please email or call your senator TODAY asking him/her to appropriate the authorized funding level of $12M for the CASA program. A decision from the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee will be determined tomorrow, July 16, so flood them will requests today. Read here for more details on how you can help.

StateSenator to contact
AlabamaSenator Richard Shelby (Vice Chairman)
AlaskaSenator Lisa Murkowski
ArkansasSenator John Boozman and Senator Mark Pryor
CaliforniaSenator Dianne Feinstein
DelawareSenator Chris Coons
IllinoisSenator Mark Kirk
KentuckySenator Mitch McConnell
LouisianaSenator Mary Landrieu
MaineSenator Susan Collins
MarylandSenator Barbara Mikulski (Chairwoman)
New HampshireSenator Jeanne Shaheen
OregonSenator Jeff Merkley
Rhode IslandSenator Jack Reed
South CarolinaSenator Lindsey Graham
TennesseeSenator Lamar Alexander
VermontSenator Patrick Leahy


I Am For the Child

Written by Melissa

Today, I was sworn in by Judge Willie Lovett as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for the Fulton County Juvenile Court. I've spent the last couple of months training online in the evenings and in person on Saturday mornings leading up to today's ceremony. I've learned a great deal not just about the juvenile justice system, but also about what it is to be a child in foster care.

In this volunteer role, I'll be charged with advocating for a child (or children) in the system by diligently researching a case, interviewing all parties involved in the case, seeking objective answers to questions pertinent to the case, and preparing written reports for the judge to review and providing recommendations to the judge about the child's placement, both temporary and permanent. I am for the child. I am specifically volunteering on behalf of and in the best interests of the child.

This will surely be an incredibly challenging role, yet also a very rewarding one. With my own unexpected, bumpy road this past year, I have somehow managed to stay on track - with the goal always being to provide both of my children with what I hope are remarkably blessed lives, albeit in a way that I never saw coming and never thought possible. So now, in light of my new normal, it seems inconceivable for me to stand on the sidelines when I can contribute to other children's lives in a way I never saw coming and never thought possible. CASA gives me this opportunity and I am so grateful. A little nervous, but grateful.

I must also thank (today and always) both Asa and Ariana for giving me the strength and courage to advocate for them everyday and now also the fortitude to advocate for others that aren't as fortunate. And while I hope to goodness I can help to change the lives of the children I meet, I suspect it will be my life that will once again be changed and enlightened by them.



Running Up the Razoo

Written by Melissa, Pictures by Heather

As you may know, Heather is running in a marathon in November in an effort to fundraise for PRISMS. Last night, I made a donation by clicking on the RAZOO button (found on this blog on the left-hand column) from money raised by way of Thirty-One, a direct-selling company that makes stylish handbags and utility products. Friends and family bought cool totes and bags and 25% of the sales (or $386.25) went towards the PRISMS fundraiser. You can see - a LOT of bags were sold. All for a very good cause. Adding this money to the pot took us over the $1,000 mark. It's exciting to see our progress, but we've got a ways to go to hit $10,000!

To keep up the momentum, we're selling raffle tickets at $5 each for Ariana's 1st birthday party in August. Here are a few of the prizes, thus far:

Pictured are Ping Eye 2 clubs in a Ping bag (gently used, but in great condition) - these will be the grand prize for a raffle ticket of just $5. Further, the humidor comes with 20 cigars, lighter, and cutter. In addition, a PRISMS gift basket (not pictured) will be filled with a T-shirt, cookbook, mug, and more. Other prizes are still being added to the list and we'll make updates here soon. If you have anything you'd like to donate as a prize, we'd be ever so grateful.

The fun and festivities will take place Saturday, August 17 at a Community Center near Jim and Heather's home. All are welcome to attend, just give us a shout and we will get you the information.

If you plan to attend or not, in lieu of gifts, please consider making a donation to the PRISMS fundraiser. Our continued thanks to all who have held our family in such an amazing circle of love and support.


Apples to Apples

Written by Melissa

Sorry for the length of time it's taken to post. June's been a busy month. Most importantly, Ariana's adoption was finalized in Tennessee on June 17. We all went to the courthouse to attend, but prior to that we had a fun day at the waterpark, where Jim and Asa learned they are both the same age! :-) At least, that's what Asa ascertained. Swimming was followed by a delicious meal prepared by Heather, Aunt Cris, Grandma Pam, and Nickie. Sufficiently stuffed and wiped out from the sun, we decided to play a board game to get a better feel for who was most competitive in the bunch. It was quickly determined just who THEY were! :-) The next morning, Asa was excited just to see policemen and a courtroom where "the bad guys go to jail." The rest of us were excited to hear the judge declare Ariana Rose Michalski legally the daughter of Jim and Heather.

While admittedly it was a very difficult day for me, the love in that courtroom could not be duplicated anywhere else in the world. Ariana has a support team behind her that has no parallel. I am proud of where she is - and grateful for the life she has. I look so very much forward to what The A Team has in store. We are certainly not your ordinary family, but we  have a love that spans to the moon and back. And we play a mean game of Apples to Apples!

Enjoy more pictures of our weekend.


Beach Vids

Videos by Melissa

A great time we had in Destin - so much fun in bubbles, on board pirate ships, and flipping out on trampolines! Watch a series of videos (they loop here).


Beach Time

Written by Melissa

Last week, we all made a run for the beach. Jim, Heather, and Ariana checked out the sands of Myrtle Beach, while Andrew, Asa, and I enjoyed the surf and sun of Destin. We all had a good time and have the pictures to prove it. Looking forward to future vacations together.


Mother's Day

Written by Melissa

Certainly not the Mother's Day I ever expected, but the best one yet, nonetheless. To spend time with both my children and the four of us adults raising them was beautiful, incredibly special, and oh so easy. How sweet it was to just be. The six of us have such a long road ahead, but I can't wait to travel that road together. We certainly make a good team! Enjoy the pics.

Tardy for the Party

Written by Melissa

Suppose it's better late than never... here are 200 more amazing pictures from our big Hoppy Easter Egg Hunt. Thanks to Ms. Emmy for taking the shots all afternoon. We'll cherish these always.


The A Team on the Run

Written by Heather and Melissa

We are excited to announce a fundraising effort for PRISMS, Parents and Researchers Interested in Smith-Magenis Syndrome. Six months from today, Heather will run in her first marathon - the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon - in Fort Oglethorpe, GA on November 9, 2013. This day will mark the one year anniversary of the forming of our blended family, so it'll also be a big celebration, one certainly worth GIVING BACK for! Heather will be running in support of PRISMS and our family will be backing her (from the sidelines :-))! Details on the run and how we can all cheer Heather on to the finish line are forthcoming, but first we'd like to ask you all to make a donation to support PRISMS and SMS research.

Please consider donating to the cause. We're shooting for the stars with a $10,000 goal, but we know we have the most amazing extended family, as shown by the overwhelming emotional support we've received in the creation of THE A TEAM.

We'll keep a donation button on the left-hand column of the blog for the next six months, so feel free to refer any of your friends or family to help raise funds for PRSIMS and SMS research. Here you can also check out the progress we make toward our goal! Further, along the way, we'll provide incentives to continue to encourage folks to donate. Keep coming back to the blog for more.

Online fundraising for The A Team on the Run
 The A Team is more than proud of what we've become in the short time we've been together, but prouder still of what we know we will achieve in our future. Thank you all for being a part of this incredible journey.


Bulls Gone Wild

Written by Melissa

We stumbled upon a bull on Cinco de Mayo... and not because we had too much tequila!

Check out the boy's bull riding skills. Rodeo in his future?



God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle... Oh Really?

Written by Melissa

A friend of mine - actually, a friend I've known longer than any other, since we met when were merely months old - sent me the most affirming article I've read since Ariana was born. Andrea, my friend, is a Lutheran pastor, as is her husband, Nathan - they blog about their life together, the lives of her three precious girls, and their faith. Andrea has been among the few people that has been accepting and understanding of my anger with God. Isn't it fascinating that a pastor is okay with my questioning and wavering? Well, it must be in the pastoral wine because yesterday Andrea sent me a blog post by a man who is also a pastor (of a Reformed Church in Fishers, Indiana), whose words just spoke to me - well, sung to me, really. I wanted to scream, "Hallelujah," for the first time in ever!

It is entitled, Confronting the Lie: God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle. The title alone had me hooked. The author began with a paragraph describing the tragic past three weeks he'd experienced - ridden with illness, pain, suffering, and frustration. He went on to say, "I have had enough." I can empathize. In fact, this past year, I've had more empathy in my heart than almost any other emotion. I am touched by nearly everyone else's traumas and tragedies. Stories that used to only upset me in the moments upon hearing them now affect me for weeks, sometimes months, on end. But I digress...

In his darkest hour, this pastor didn't apologize for asking God, "Why?", "Why not step in?", "Why not act?" Quite conversely, he said it was courageous to ask! That's something new - something I hadn't heard before. Course, he wants those that dare to ask to also be courageous enough to wait for the answer. The pastor went on to imply that it's highly unlikely an answer will come. Indeed, that's the tough pill to swallow.

Still, the mere fact that the pastor cried foul (well, to use his word, "bullshit") when hearing the much-touted phrase, "God won't give you more than you can handle," gives him a permanent spot on my blog roll! While I initially gasped at a pastor's use of profanity, I then immediately wondered why I was so surprised. He's human, after all. He's now lived through pretty serious trauma - more than he can bear. Of course he thinks the everyday, Christian go-to expression, "God won't give you more than you can handle," is bullshit. So do I! He went on to explain that biblically it's not even supported.


Much to the contrary, the pastor believes it is when we are at our weakest, when we have had enough, that God will step in. He expects it, actually. I remain undecided.

Another long-time friend of mine, Emily, who I've known for 28 of my 35 years sent me this image today via text.

Seems all too coincidental - and again, a perfect use of profanity coupled with this profane phrase.



Written by Melissa

Today I am thirty-five years old. And when I woke up to post a message on Twitter of a rain location for an event at work, I learned of all the happenings of last evening. I was immediately alerted to the horror that Bostonians are living. I was then saddened by the fear they must be feeling. I spoke a bit with Andrew about what was going on. He quickly began to read for himself all about the manhunt that now ensues. Then Asa came downstairs, crawled in bed, and Andrew said, "Happy Birthday." I had forgotten all about it - and that's a first for me. Asa's eyes lit up, "It's your birthday, Mom. And I'm still not going to tell you about your surprise." He's been holding out on me for 24 hours. Pretty good for a four-year-old.

I've lived through a couple other tragic events that took place on my birthday. In 1993, the Waco seige concluded after 51 days as a fire (whose origin is controversial) engulfed the Mount Carmel Center ranch killing 76 - this after 4 ATF agents had been shot and killed in the attempts to arrest David Koresh. Two years later, citing the Waco incident as motivation, Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck full of explosives into a federal building in Oklahoma that killed 168 and wounded hundreds.

I've also now lived through my own personal tragedies, but none more impactful than this past year. I wouldn't wish this year on anyone I love or even those I don't. But with all tragedies, as Andrew would say, "you gotta see the silver lining."

For Boston, the silver lining was the amazing folks that rushed to help those that were down from the blast on Monday and the diligent police work that has already led to the identity of the bombers. For me, the silver lining is the amazing folks that have rushed to me when I have been down. This birthday is not really about me. It's about the awesomeness that is my family. And my family is far more than the one I was born into. It's the chosen ones - those that I chose and those that chose me. This past year was hard, but it was also precious. My family grew - in number and in love. In my loss, I also gained many remarkable people that I now call family - Ariana's parents, Ariana's grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, and friends. And in my loss, I also gained stronger bonds and deeper connections with the people who I already called my family - my husband, my children, my parents, my brothers, my sisters-in-law, etc., and my friends/sisters-at-heart.

Today, I am thirty-five years old. And despite (or maybe in spite of) all tragedies, I can still see the silver lining. I am thankful for that. Happy birthday to me.

Animated A's

Written by Melissa

It's nice to see what the kids are doing in action! Enjoy some recent videos. Ariana is taking her first dip and Asa is exploring his love of food!

Videos by Heather and Melissa



Written by Heather

What a wonderful, joyous occasion! We were so blessed to have brought Ariana back to Atlanta Saturday for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. She obviously was happy, relaxed, and comfortable in the midst of her loved ones. Family and friends enjoyed each other, great food, and a beautiful, warm, sunny day. The love and support of this village is so readily apparent. Jim and I could not only feel all of the love for Ariana, but felt it for ourselves as well. We are so thankful to all!

God has blessed us beyond all of our dreams and we could not be happier. During Easter Mass on Sunday morning, I sat listening to the sermon and realized my own recent resurrection. It started the day we decided to open our hearts to new possibilities in starting our famiy. It has been a slow progression, but over these past few months, and culminating this weekend, it is now apparent to me. God's love and strength is available for all, the weak, the diseased, the downtrodden. All we need do is look up and open ourselves to  His grace. He has taken me from near hopeless and closed off to a new life. One full of hope, love, and gratitude for the precious life He has given us. Praise be to God!


Weekend with Ariana

Written by Melissa

Nana and I had a great visit with Ariana last weekend. We were welcomed on Friday night with a very tasty butternut squash lasagna and good conversation catching up with Jim and Heather. Saturday, we spent every moment doting over Ari and gave Jim and Heather some time to enjoy together outside the home. Sunday morning was another delicious feast by Heather before we had to hit the road. Overall, we had a magnificent visit and look very forward to the next time we spend together... I think that's just hopping around the corner. :-) Until then, enjoy the many pics!